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Our Child Custody Lawyers in Jeffersonville, IN, Know How to Fight for Your Rights During Custody Hearings

在涉及到孩子的离婚后,孩子监护权听证会可能会非常情绪化. Although both parents believe they know what is best for the kids, they may significantly disagree on how to arrive at the best outcome. This can lead to a lot of fighting and accusations on both sides, resulting in hard feelings and a deeper wedge between the two of you. 你不想简单地满足于一个对你或孩子都不好的结果,以此来减少挫败感,更快地结束这个过程.

这时我们的杰斐逊维尔儿童监护律师就可以代表你出庭了. 教堂的团队, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law promises to serve as your advocate during custody negotiations and hearings. Even though child custody situations can become emotional quickly, you can trust our team to deliver a high level of professionalism. We will defend your rights regarding your future relationship with your children. 请尽快致电812-725-8224与我们的杰弗逊维尔儿童监护律师bet9九州体育登录线路,以保密的方式讨论您的案件.


How CLLB Law Can Help As Your 杰斐逊维尔儿童监护律师

We Will Explain All Facets of a Custody Situation

When our child custody lawyers in Jeffersonville, IN, are representing clients in family law cases or divorce cases, we find that custody situations are often the most emotional and challenging for parents. Our clients want to protect their time and relationship with their children, while also making sure that the children are in a safe living environment.

律师 Dana Eberle leads our team in family law cases and in child custody cases. She knows that 印第安纳州 state statutes, such as IC 31-17-2-8,要求法院在所有监护情况下首先关注儿童的最大利益. 因此, 她与客户合作,确保我们团队在监护权案件中使用的任何策略都能考虑到孩子的最大利益.


我们能为客户做的最重要的事情之一就是尽可能彻底地为孩子监护权的谈判和听证会做准备. You can count on our child custody attorney in Jeffersonville, IN, to spend whatever time is required with you to develop a plan of action. We know the importance of preparation in cases like this, so nothing during child custody negotiations or hearings catches us off guard. 如果你的前配偶的代表在谈判中提出一些指控,试图把你描绘成不好的人, we need to know how to counteract these accusations. Our preparation techniques help us greatly in these types of situations.

We Work to Maximize Your Time With the Kids

印第安纳州的法令 IC 31-17-2-14 要求有共同监护权的父母双方共同决定孩子的生活. 《bet9九州体育登录线路》, 然而, 不要求父母双方在共同监护下获得同等的时间. 通过我们的谈判策略, 我们的杰弗逊维尔儿童监护律师将努力帮助您获得您想要与孩子们在一起的时间.


有时,谈判可能会失败. It is possible that the two of you simply cannot come to an agreement. This is not unusual in a custody hearing. 如果发生这种情况, 我们Jeffersonville, IN, 儿童监护律师将为你准备并代表你出席有关监护权的法庭听证会. The court will consider the information that we present at the hearing, making decisions about how custody will work in your situation. 这次听证会非常重要, and it is vital that all of us are on the same page about the strategy we will use.

相信我们会花所有必要的时间与您会面,帮助您为这次听证会做准备. 最终, during both negotiations and hearings, it is important for you to keep your cool and to behave in a civil manner, 即使你的配偶不是. Our child custody attorney in Jeffersonville, IN, can help you develop strategies that accomplish this. To learn how we can help your unique situation, call CLLB Law at 812-725-8224 today.


不幸的是, even after both sides go through the process of creating a custody agreement, your ex-spouse may simply choose to ignore the agreement. 你的前配偶可能不遵守你们商定的探视时间表,或者可能在没有征求你意见的情况下就开始决定孩子们的生活.

我们Jeffersonville, IN, 孩子监护权律师会收集事实,证明你的前配偶没有遵守有关监护权的规定. 我们将请求法院保护你在孩子们方面的权利以及你能见到他们的能力,并帮助他们做出决定. Your rights as a parent are important, 以及我们在教堂的团队, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law will do everything we can to protect them. 我们也可以给你一些 解决监护权纠纷的技巧 这可能有助于你说服你的配偶遵守监护令,而不必诉诸法庭.


We understand that our clients have a lot of questions when they are facing a 儿童监护令. By always being willing to answer your questions, we can be certain that all of us are on the same page. 我们的杰斐逊维尔儿童监护律师收到的一些最常见的问题包括.


是的! 然而,当我们寻求一个 modification to child custody arrangements, we must be certain that the request will be in the best interests of the children. 法院不会听取修改请求,除非它真的是必要的,除非它能帮助孩子.

Can my child choose which parent to live with?

一旦他们到了14岁, 孩子们可以陈述他们离婚后主要与某一位父母生活在一起的愿望, and the court will take these wishes into account when making a custody decision.

If my spouse cheated on me, does that help my hopes of a good child custody outcome?

印第安纳州家庭法院在所有儿童监护结果中主要关注儿童的最大利益. As long as the cheating didn’t affect your spouse’s ability to serve as a parent, the courts probably won’t give it much weight in the custody decision.

What should I say to the kids about my ex-spouse?

当你的孩子来看你或和你住在一起的时候,不要对他们说你配偶的坏话. 印第安纳州的家庭法法庭对那些在与另一方争吵时试图把孩子当作棋子的配偶并不看好.


Our 杰斐逊维尔儿童监护律师 Knows the Importance of Spending Time With You

We Will Work Tirelessly Toward the Outcome You Want to See

通过多年的客户bet9九州体育登录, CLLB律师事务所的团队知道,我们对客户最有效的策略之一就是倾听. Without knowing exactly what you would like to see from your custody hearing, we will not be able to represent you successfully. We can give you advice on how we believe you should proceed, 但除非你和我们的杰斐逊维尔儿童监护律师在这个案子上意见一致, we will not have as good of a chance at success. We can’t speak to how other firms handle their custody cases, but we know the importance of listening to your needs, so we can craft a strategy that precisely fits your case.

我们可以在之前的监护权案件中使用旧策略然后把它应用到你的情况中. 然而, we know from our decades of experience that this will almost certainly not work. We need to personalize our approach to the case to fit you and your children. 与在所有监护权案件中部署千篇一律的方法相比,这需要我们做额外的工作, but we believe this is time well spent on our part. 我们明白什么是利害攸关的.

Trust Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law to Protect Your Custody Rights

在印第安纳州的法律中,没有任何规定要求你在监护权的听证会上雇佣一名儿童监护权律师代表你. You have the right to represent yourself. 然而, our child custody lawyers in Jeffersonville, IN, 要知道每天都有人在你身边处理类似案件的重要性. 我们知道如何在你的案件中陈述事实,以保护你作为父母的权利. 没有表示, you may be at a significant disadvantage if your ex-spouse has representation.

我们的杰斐逊维尔儿童监护律师已经准备好一旦你选择雇用我们就开始为你辩护. 我们理解您希望能够尽快与您的孩子发展关系. 我们将紧急开展工作, 但我们不会为了加快办案速度而牺牲你作为家长的权利. Reach out to CLLB Law today at 812-725-8224 to discuss your custody situation.


